Monday, March 24, 2014

my crochet flowers in a crochet pot !

this is my own design. I had the flowers earlier, had kept in an earthenware pot, but as it was too simple, got the idea to make the crochet pot, with the thick thread, when I was doing something else !

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Sunday, March 23, 2014


this is my own design.
Those who are interested in Tunisian crochet, here is the pattern

start with any no. of stitches
the 1st  row follow the simple Tunisian pattern, i.e., draw a loop from each stitch till the end, then draw up a loop, draw through 2 loops in the 1st stitch, then from 2nd to last stitch, draw up a loop, draw through 3 loops, ch 1 turn at the end of each row
in the 3rd row, draw a loop from the 3rd stitch, then cross over, draw a loop from the 2nd stitch, continue in the same way, drawing from 5th, then from 4th & so on, till the end
4th row, like the the 2nd row, draw through all loops till the end, ch 1 turn
repeat 3rd & 4th row till the length you desire
to finish, draw up a loop from 3rd stitch, then make single crochet, then draw through 2nd stitch a loop, make a sc, continue till the end, then to get a better finish, make 1/2 rows of single crochet.

ps- as normally Tunisian crochet as a tendency to curl, when you begin, so, after making the desired no. of stitches, I made one row of single crochet, then started the Tunisian crochet, so it didn't curl much.
If anyone has any doubt, please free to mail me.

After making back, I made the front side of the bag longer, so it will fold over little.
Then I made single crochet strip to join the front, back & bottom, then made the strap, by reducing the no. of stitches in the first few rows, as the sides are broad.
then I made the long strip for the pocket, attached from side to bottom & to the other side.
Then I made a small flower to put in the front.
To make the flower, made the magic loop, made 12 double crochet in it, then joined to the 1st st.
For the petals, in the 2nd row, made 3 dc, 3 ch, *sl st, in the next 2 stitches, then made 3 ch, 3 dc, 3 ch*, ended with sl st, then 3 ch to join to top of the dc. 

Those interested in seeing cancer & health related topics are free to view my blog-

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

water lily flower

this water lily flower isn't my own design, I've not made the entire design that was shown, as I felt this was good enough.

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these 2 butterflies were made for my grandson, who is just 16 months old, who is fond of butterflies !

those interested in seeing cancer & health related topics are free to view my blog-

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Sunday, March 2, 2014

a very big doily

this doily is made with very thick thread, so it has really come out very big, more than 2' across, this isn't my design, but in the book, the explanation wasn't given properly, so I had to use my brain a little to do it.

small doily

this doily measures 10", this I made for my friend, who is shifting from this place, as a parting gift, as she wanted one, to put under a flower vase ! This is my own design, anyone interested in the design, are free to mail me.

my small crochet purse

I made this purse for myself, made a small pocket outside for the cellphone, as I needn't dig into the bag when it rings, then on the other side, I made a small flower to make it look cute. This is my own design.