Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mini Gift bag / Credit card pouch

This is my own design, one of our friend's 80th b'day tomorrow. As the wife appreciates handwork, by seeing it, she'll know that it is only me who has given it ! I always like my gift to be unique.

I think I made a ch. of 25,in the 2nd chain made sc, then sc till the last sc, made 3 sc in the last one, then continue doing sc on the other side, ending with 2 sc in the last one, join
2 Row- 2 sc, sc till the corner, make 3 sc, continue with sc till the end, join to 1st sc
3rd Row, do sc only in the back loop for this row
4 Row, sc all around in both loops till the size you want.
Then for folding, I made sl st over 5 sc, then sc, leaving the last 5 sc then made sc in each sc till the desired length, in the last row counted the stitches, then sc I think for 5, then made a loop of 3/4 ch for the button, then sc in the remaining st.

Hope the pattern is clear, in case of any doubt, pl. free to msg. In case you want a bigger bag, continue to make bigger chain the desired length, then continue in the same way, for a bigger bag, for base, do sc around for 4 rows, then sc on the backloop for 1 row, then sc continue like above.

You can use this for keeping your credit cards too !

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Little X-mas Stocking

this is not my pattern, thanks to the person for sharing it, below is the link, I made another one with green and white, sent with my son, sorry forgot to take its photo.

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Monday, September 9, 2019

Christmas Bauble Ornament

this is the site from which I made this bauble, thanks to that crocheter for sharing.

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X-mas star

This isn't my design, didn't note down the site. Sending it to my son, as they keep X-mas tree, still to make elf and stocking !

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Little reindeer waiting to be hung on X-mas tree

 This is not my design, sorry forgot to note the site. Only changed the horns by making it with thread, so had to increase the number of stitches and rows, eyes, nose my own idea, for eyes made 3 ch, joined, pulled it together, then while stitching, had to push it from all sides to get the shape.
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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Little Santa for X-mas tree


 Little Santa for son's X-mas tree. The beard is my idea, had to change pattern of the hat to fit the head, eyes with crochet chain, made lips with embroidery thread.

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Little snowman for X-mas tree

Snowman's eyes, nose and hat are my design, as I make eyes with crochet either making 3 sc in Magic ring or make a ch. of 3, join, then pushing the edges, stitch it.

This snowman is again for my son's  X-mas tree. Sorry, forgotten to note the link for this also.

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Little Lantern to hang on X-mas tree

I made this for son's X-mas tree, as I thought my grandsons will be happy to see various things hanging from their tree. Couldn't make it earlier, want to make and send now through my son, when he visits in 10 days, so, his tree will look better this year.

This is not my pattern, I saw it, sorry not able to trace the link, as I had made it some months ago, today made the loop to hang it. But, I made some changes to suit me when I made this.

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cupid Arrov Bookmark

This is not my design, it is from LittleOwlsHut, so the credit goes to them. I had to make little variation where I felt needed.

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Monday, August 12, 2019

Flower bookmark

Sorry the photo hasn't come out well.
For this I made  6 ch in magic circle, then 2 sc in each (  12 sc)
next row- sc, 2 sc in next, rep. (  18 sc)
next row, 3 ch, sc in next st, rep around.
in each ch, make sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc, join FO.

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Bear bookmark

I got the idea from this site, then changed the hands and the feet little, the way I wanted it. For eyes, I used French knot.

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leaf bookmark

This is my own design. I made a ch of 19 ch, then in 2nd ch from hook, make sc in next 2 ch, hdc in next 2 ch, dc in next 2 ch, dc in next ch, 3 dc in next ch, now on the other side, in the back loop, repeat the pattern, dc, 2 hdc, 2 sc in last, join, FO.

Join the 1st ch, make sc, sc in next, hdc in next 2 ch, dc in next, 3 dc in next, repeat pattern on the other side.

In the ch that is left between the 2 leaves, join the thread, make a ch of 41/ 51 , depending on the length you want., then in 2nd ch from hook, make sc in each or even sl st in each till the end, FO.

Then sew the edges of the leaves with needle and thread to join them.

ch- chain
sc- single crochet
hdc - half double crochet
dc- double crochet
sl st- slip stitch
FO- fasten off.

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Rectangle and round luggage tags

Though I saw some beautiful tags, wanted to make something simpler, but still easily identifiable at the airport. At times, since the staff who manage to put the luggage and take it out, are also over-worked and handle bit carelessly, so we've lost the lock, handle of our strollers. So, wanted to make something not too fancy, to catch someone's eyes, but still has utility value.

for the rectangle tag
I crocheted 15 ch
sc from 2nd ch till the last ch, it makes it 14 sc
turn 1 ch, sc over sc till the end
Then I made 4 rows, then thought it was a bit long, so folded in half, made sc around over both loops on the sides, all around ( 3 sides), then made a ch with 30 sc, sl st in the side, FO, putting the thread in the sides.
note- you can make the ch, according to the length that you need, it depends on the thread that you use.

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Friday, April 19, 2019

Breast prosthetic

We're a group of ladies making breast prosthetic for breast cancer patients with crochet or knitting. I do it with crochet, with cotton thread and filling it with polyfil. Those ladies who have used it are very happy, as it is soft, light, comfortable without any skin reaction, washable too. Anyone who needs it in India are free to contact me. We are making it according to the person's required size.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Little Gift Bag / Credit Card Pouch !

I made this little gift bag, to put money to give one of our relatives for a function. I thought of this idea, as the little bag can be used as coin change/ card pouch too !

I started with 26 ch
2 sc in 2nd ch from hook sc in each ch, 3 sc in last ch, make sc on the other side in each ch, join to 1st sc
2 sc in 1st sc, sc till the corner, in the corners make 2 sc, then sc, 2 sc, sc around, ending with 2 sc, then I didn't join
make sc in back loops all around
then sc in each sc to the desired length, then I made 2 sl st, sc till last 2 st on one side only, not around
then 2 sl st, till last 2 st, sl st in 2nd last
next row 1 st st, sc till last but one, sl st in last
made sc in each sc for about 6-8 rows
in the last row, sl st till the centre make ch according to the size of the bead or button that you wish to use, as I used a small bead, I made 5 ch, then sl st till the end, fasten off. weave the end around.

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Friday, February 22, 2019

Little flap bag- luggage tag

Made 4 ch, then 2 sc in first ch, sc in next 2, 3 sc in last, then on the other side sc in next 3, join, 
Next row- 2 sc in corners, sc in each around, join
Next row, sc around
then from one corner make 4 sc, sc dec, sc
sc dec, sc
last row, dec, then one sc on top, fasten off
join in any corner for the chain, make as long as you want, join on the opp. side, then sl st in ch till end, sl st in next ch, fasten off.

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Rose luggage tag

I made a ch of 31, I think, it can be less or more, depending on how small or big, you want your rose
In 2nd ch from hook 3 dc, *dc in next, 3 dc in next*, repeat till end, fasten off.
Then roll it around to get a rose, as your roll, you may stitch around with the same thread or any other thread well, fasten off.
For leaves, made a ch of 7 st, in 2nd ch from hook, sc, in next 2 ch hdc, dc in next 2,  in last 3 dc, then rep. with dc in next 2, hdc in next 2, sc in last, join, fasten off. 
Make another leaf in the same way and stitch on either side of rose. Make a ch of 35, then sl st in 2nd ch from hook till end, fasten off. stitch above the leaves and in the centre of the flower on the back side.

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Little bag as luggage tag

I made this luggage tag as a tiny bag. 
I crochet 3 ch, in 2nd ch from hook 2 sc, 3 sc in next, then on the other side 1 sc in the next
Next row- 2sc in corner, sc in between
Next row, sc in each sc
then from one corner made a ch - made with 35, joined to the other side, in next sc , then sl st in each ch till end, sl st in next st, then sl st in next sc, fasten off.

All my luggage tags, I gifted to our friends who were all travelling now. 

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Little Santa's face for X-mas tree

I made this little Santa's face for my son's family to hang in their X-mas tree. Yes, X-mas is still far off, I know, but, as I don't get much time to crochet like before, do it when I can to send it across to them. 

This is not my design, got the idea from a site, but had to change beard, hat, eyes, lips are my own idea. then made a small chain for hanging.

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Little square luggage tag

to make the square, made ch 6
in 2nd ch from hook sc and in each of the next 4 ch ( 5 sc)
make 4 more rows of sc to get a square
In the last st, I changed to green colour, ch 2 in the corner, sc till next corner, ch 2 , sc around, repeat.
with the orange wool, which I didn't fasten, I made ch 25 then joined in the same st, fasten off.
sl st with green around the handle, fasten off.

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Little bag- luggage tag

To make the bag, made 4 ch, in 2nd ch from hook, made 2 sc, sc in next ch, 3 sc in next ch, turn, sc in next, sc in last ch, join.
R 2- 2 sc in 1st sc, sc till corner, 2 sc in corner, sc around, join
R 3-  R 4- sc in each sc around.
make handle with 4 ch in last row on either side.

Handle, joined black on one side of the handle, made ch 25, sc on the other hand
ch 1, sl st in each sc till last fasten off.

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Flower luggage tag

For the centre of the flower, made 2
R1 -in magic ring, 5 sc, join to 1st sc
R 2- in each sc increase, 10 sc,fasten off.
Make 2, with reverse sides of each join with whip stitch or sew it.
With lighter shade of your choice, join in any sc, sc in same sc, 2 sc in next sc
R 2- R 3  sc in each sc ( 4 sc)
R 4  sc 1st 2 together, sc next 2 togther
R 5 sc 2 together  R 6, sc on top, Fasten off.
For the next 4 petals, join in next st. and continue in the same way.

for leaves 2
ch 6, sc in 2nd ch, hdc in next ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, 2 dc in next ch, on the other side, dc in next, hdc in next 2 st, sc in last, fasten off.

from the top of the flower side,  join the colour you want, then ch 25, join, you may slip stitch around, fasten off.

join the leaves on either side of the flower down.

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