Friday, March 29, 2013

Amigurumi Giraffe

this amigurumi giraffe was made for my grandson, who is 4 months old now. he loves yellow colour, hope he likes this one.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Rose Flower Afghan



This afghan measuring 6'/ 5' roughly was made some years ago, only now putting it in the blog. It is in cream background, with roses, leaves in between. I made 2 like this for my kids, this is in son's house.

ps- those interested in cancer & health related topics are free to view my other blog

for recipes

for knee replacement queries

http://knee replacement-stick

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Flower Basket


This flower basket with flowers was made by altering some part of the basket, like I made the basket thicker than what was given, so it would stand straight, than turn, flowers like these, I had made earlier also, which then I used for putting together on a cushion cover.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Amigurumi Hippo

This hippo isn't my own design, only I changed its ears, didn't add mouth or nostrils as it was shown.

This hippo was made for my little grandson, made it consciously in 2 colours, as kids love different colours, also to tell him later, that the hippo's lower half is green, as he was sitting in algae water !

Wavy trivet

This wavy trivet is my own design, as I'ld not actually do as I saw in one of the designs

This trivet is waiting for a nice place to be put up, as I prefer it to be wall decor, than as a mat somewhere. Felt that due to its colour combinations, it may look better in some place to attract visitors to the house !

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Amigurumi elephant

the trunk, I've given shape, so that it tapers down from top, like it is for real elephants, which wasn't in the original design.
the tail is my own idea.
the legs too, are my design, where in the original it was given much smaller, top to bottom same size, I've made the legs longer, made the back ones fatter than the front, their size also goes from small to big, again smaller.

This isn't my own design fully, but I've changed the shape of the trunk, legs, tail, the way, I started it all is my own idea. 


This octopus isn't my own design, but I've changed a few things, as to how I started it, then the size of the tentacles etc.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Amigurumi Penguin


this little amigurumi penguin again made for my grandson, again only part of the design is my own.

Amigurumi Lion


Though it doesn't exactly look like a lion, it is because it is amigurumi pattern, let us assume it, I've taken part of the design from something, then added/ changed some things, as what I felt like. This was made for my 4 month old grandson.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Black and white whale

This is not my own design, made some changes from the original one, preferred to do it in black & white, as whale has these colours, but not exactly as shown, but I liked this idea.

Yellow duck

This yellow duck is about 12"long & 8" tall. It was made for my grandson ( 4 months old), as he loves yellow colour now.