Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Afghan Square Crochet Bag

This is an 8" square afghan. I made 2, for front & back, made a 2" handle to go all around the bottom & the sides. As I'm bad in stitching, asked a tailor to put the zip, pockets. Made a small design on the top.

Monday, February 13, 2012

crochet squares

This was another design given by my daughter-in-law to do like a 'Rangoli' one she had drawn. I made each square in a different design, joined them, then made the border like in a ' Rangoli'.

Crochet Square inside a Square

I was given a challenge by my daughter-in-law to make a square inside another like a 'Rangoli" design. She saw the tiny holes that come in Granny Square & she wanted me to make like that in the bigger square. I felt happy that I managed to do it & also make her feel happy !