Wednesday, March 30, 2022

small bag, can hold lip-balm if one wishes

 I made this key chain for hubby, as earlier, I had put a small cone ice-cream, which I removed. He said that it was convenient for him to hold the key or it slips off his hand. I made the bunny which I posted yesterday, he said it was too big, he wanted something small and long. Hence, I made this.

In Magic circle made 6 sc

R 2- inc in each sc ( 12 sc)

R3-5, sc in each sc

R 6- sc in back loop only

R7 to desired length make sc in each sc

After getting the desired length, in 6 sc I made sc

turn 1 ch, 6 sc in these 6 sc till the number of rows that I felt it was enough to fold.

I stuffed it with polyfil and folded the top and stitched all around the 3 sides.

Either you can join the thread in any loop and make sc, make 3 more sc

turn 1 ch and continue in sc

in last but 3 row, make 1 sc, 2 ch, 1 sc

next row turn ch, sc, make 2 sc in the ch loop, sc in last sc

make 2 more rows of sc, fasten off. OR

you can make a small strip of sc in the same way, making a small loop for the button and then sew it to the bag.

I put a small square button on it.

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