Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Little pink elephant ready to play football, anyone ready?

  I made previously a small elephant slightly different with a ball. But gifted it to a good human for his daughters. Since then wanted to make one, started this month ago, somehow just couldn't finish it. At last today finished it. It isn't my pattern, I changed the trunk from the original pattern, as I wanted it long to keep a small ball. Daughter loves it, GOK, who is going to get it to hang in her bag ?!

The basic idea is from the link given below. Credit goes to that creator. Eyes made by crocheting 3 chains, then rolling it to form a small ball and stitched it up. In some places, I found it difficult to follow the pattern, so did as what I felt was fine for me.   

I've to make a strap with buttonhole to hang in the bag.

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https://cancersupportindia.blogspot.com. for all cancer and health related topics
https://gseasyrecipes.blogspot.com. feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes
https://kneereplacement-stickclub.blogspot.com. for info on knee replacement

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