Wednesday, August 18, 2021

How to Crochet Faster, even if you aren't a pro !

If you're a beginner crocheter you may think that crocheting faster only comes with experience, but, any experienced crocheter will tell you that anyone can be a quick crocheter.

Experience is only a small part of getting your project done quickly. You also need to pick the right weight of yarn, the proper crochet hook, and prepare your yarn beforehand just to name a few things.

earn how the different types of yarn can affect your speed, along with hook sizes. Learn how the pattern alone makes a huge difference in how fast or slow you can work.

We'll go over how to prep your yarn before you start, the importance of stretching and good posture, and more.

Understand the Different Types of Yarn

Yarn comes in different weights numbered from 0 – 7 (0 – Lace, 1 – Superfine, 2 – Fine, 3 – Light, 4 – Medium, 5 – Bulky, 6 – Super Bulky, 7 - Jumbo). If you want to work up a project quickly your best bet is to use a Bulky, Super Bulky, or Jumbo yarn. You will end up working fewer stitches and have a decent-sized project.

Understand and Choose the Right Hook Sizes

Just as yarn comes in different sizes, there are different sizes for crochet hooks. They come as small as 2.25mm and as large as 25mm. The larger the crochet hook, the quicker you will work. This goes hand in hand with your yarn weight since the bulkier the yarn, the larger the crochet hook you will use.


Image shows an open pink crochet hook case with hooks sitting inside.


A lot of people prefer either inline or tapered crochet hooks, which can change how the yarn moves for each person. Learn more by visiting one of these guides from our friends:

  1. Inline vs Tapered Crochet Hook guide from I Like Crochet Magazine
  2. Inline Hooks vs. Tapered Hooks guide from Fiber Flux
Inline vs Tapered Crochet Hook 

Think Wisely When Picking a Pattern

Patterns with textures are always tempting and beautiful, but, if you want to work up a project quickly it’s best to pick a pattern with a simple stitch. Go with something like a chevron or ripple stitch.

It looks complicated but, it’s a pattern that once you’ve got the stitch pattern down you can work on it mindlessly. Save that cable or bobble stitch for when you have a little extra time on your hands.

Prep Your Yarn Before You Start Crocheting

Instead of unwinding your yarn as you crochet, wind the yarn into a ball prior to starting your project. And, instead of letting it roll all over the place as you work, place the ball in a yarn bowl, tote bag, or in a yarn holder. This simple step will prevent your yarn from getting knots and tangles while you work with it.

Image shows a plastic water bottle type container with a ball of yarn inside. A strand of yarn is coming out the top hole and on the other end is a crochet circle piece in progress. There is a crochet hook attached to the piece.

Remember to Stretch Your Hands and Wrists

Before you sit down to start crocheting it’s important to stretch your wrists, hands and fingers. This will not only help in preventing pain, but it will also help to keep them flexible while you work.

Some stretches that you can do:

  1. Interlock your fingers with your palms facing away from you and then extend your arms out. Hold this stretch for 5 to 10 seconds. Rest and repeat this a few times. You can also do this same stretch by holding your arms behind your back with your palms facing up.
  2. Using your right hand stretch the fingers on your left hand by gently pressing them back and holding it for a few seconds. Repeat using your left hand to press back the fingers on your right hand.
  3. Open and close your fingers as you move your forearms back and forth.
Be sure to do one or all of these before you sit down to crochet and after you have been crocheting for a while to maintain the flexibility in your fingers and wrists. We also have a helpful guide for crocheters with arthritis. Check out Crocheting with Arthritis: A Guide to Pain-Free Hooking.

Find a Good Sitting Position

It’s not only important to make sure your fingers and wrists are ready to crochet, but that your whole body is as well. While we are all prone to slouching it’s ideal to have good posture while crocheting. Sitting hunched will not only tire your body out quicker, but you will end up with achy shoulders and neck pain.

Sit all the way back in a comfortable chair with cushioning and make sure you have ample lighting so you can see what you are doing. Avoid sitting on a hard surface or the floor which won’t provide any support for your back.

BONUS! Fastest Crochet Stitches

Although the way you crochet makes a huge difference, when you're crocheting basic or simple stitches, you will naturally move faster.

Single, double, and half double crochet, seed stitch, and similar quick to produce crochet stitches are going to be faster than something that involves more movements and actions, like the shell or v-stitch.

Obviously, the more comfortable you are with a stitch, the quicker it will be to crochet.

Now you've got all the information you need now to turn out beautiful crochet projects at lightning speed!

One thing for sure, most people roll the thread or wool around your finger, I also used to do that. After a while the finger hurts. Then, years ago, while we're in Germany, one of our friend taught me to glide the thread or wool by taking it below the little finger, then go over the ring and middle finger and on top of the pointing finger. I'm putting photos for you all to understand better, this helps a lot, as you don't waste time rolling the thread around the finger, nor does it hurt.



Hope this helps you to understand how to crochet easier, as in this way, by holding the thread or wool, close by with your thumb, it helps to guide you better. Once you get the knack of holding like this, I'm sure that you'll enjoy crocheting. Good luck to all.

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