Friday, February 21, 2014

stole/ scarf in thick cotton thread

This one I just finished in 2 days. 

multiple of 8 chains + 4 chain
ch- chain
dc- double crochet
shell- 5 dc in same stitch

after making no. of stitches, i.e., multiple of 8 + 4 stitches
R- 1 in 4th ch from hook, make dc, * skip 2 ch, 5 dc in next ch for a shell, ch 2, skip 3 ch, 1 dc in each if next 2 ch, repeat from * across, ch 3 turn

R 2- 1 dc in next dc, * 1 shell in first dc of next shell, ch 2, skip 4 dc, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, repeat from * across, end last dc at end of last repeat in top of turning ch, ch 3 turn.

Repeat row 2 for pattern to desired length

I've changed colours at the end of 1st 2 rows of white, then 2 rows of red, after that till the end, 4 rows of white, 2 rows of red, then at last after red rows, finished with 2 rows of white to be symmetrical.

This I made for my sister-in-law, as she wanted in red n white colours.

ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Kameez or dress top with crochet laces

this is my own idea, for my kameez

ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

amigurumi cow

this cow part of the design, isn't my own, I changed the legs shapes, ears, eyes, even the top of the head is different. This is for my grandson.

ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

Friday, February 14, 2014

A little monkey

part of the design are my own, as I felt in the original one, the no. of sc given didn't seem appropriate

the tail again is my own design.

ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

My dress top with crochet lace and flowers

lace around the neck, and a flower in the centre

lace around the sleeves

flowers at the bottom

ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

Monday, February 10, 2014

tiny bunny with legs


unlike the previous tiny bunny, I decided to make legs for him, so he can merrily hop away !

another owl to join the family!

ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

little bunny


ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Amigurumi little chick

For eyes, see my earlier post

ch- chain, sl st- slip stitch, inc.- increase sc in next stitch, dec.- decrease sc in next 2 sc
R- round

note- the entire body, legs, beak are made in continuous rounds, so use stitch marker

for beak
magi circle- ch 6
inc., sc, all around, you'll have 9 sc at the end of the round
1 more round with sc all around, fasten off

for feet, make 2- worked in continuous round
make a chain of 4 sc
R- 1    2 sc in 1st sc, sc, 2 sc in next sc, work on the other side of the chain in the same way, you'll have 10 sc at the end of the round
R  2-   make sc all around
R  3   inc., then 4 sc, inc., 4 sc- ( 12 sc)
 R 4   inc., sc till the corner, inc. sc, inc. sc till the end,
R 5  sc all around, fasten off.

magic circle  6 sc
R 1- inc sc in each sc ( 12 sc)
R 2 inc,  sc, all around   ( 18 sc)
R 3  inc. 2 sc, all around  ( 24 sc)
 R 4-6  sc in each sc around
R  7-  dec, 2 sc, all around  ( 18 sc)
R 8-  dec,  1 sc, all around  ( 12 sc)- you can stuff the head well
R 9-  inc.  1 sc all around  ( 18 sc)
R 10- inc.  2 sc all around  ( 24 sc)
R 11 - inc.  3 sc, all around  ( 30 sc)
 R 12 - inc.  4 sc all around   ( 36 sc)
R 13- 16  sc in each sc around
R 17-   dec. 4 sc all around  ( 30 sc)
R 18  dec.  3 sc all around  ( 24 sc)
 R 19  dec.  2 sc all around  ( 18 sc)- you can stuff the body well
R 20   dec. 1 sc all around   ( 12 sc)
R 21 -   dec in each sc around  ( 6 sc)
fasten off leaving about 4-5 "of thread, weave through all the 6 stitches pull tight to seal the hole.

seeing the photo stitch eyes in the correct place
stuff beak lightly, join below the eyes
join the feet at the bottom making sure that your chick is able to stand straight, position it properly.

ps- those interested in reading about cancer & health related topics are free to see my blog-


for simple, easy and healthy recipes, feel free to see my blog-

http:// gseasyrecipes.

elephant- finger puppet

ch- chain, inc.- increase 1 sc in next sc, sl st.- slip stitch

note- that all parts are worked in continuous rounds, so have stitch marker to know the beginning of each round.

for the body
magic circle- ch 6
R 1- inc, 1 sc, rep. 9 sc at the end of the round
R 2- inc, 1 sc in next 2 sc, rep. , you'll have 12 sc at the end of the round
R-3-10  sc in each around, sl st, fasten off at the end of the round
note- in case you want it longer, you're free to do a few more rounds.

ears make 2
magic circle-  6 sc
inc. in each sc, i.e. 12 sc at the end, fasten off.

eyes- either make a magic circle 3 sc, sl st. fasten off, pull very tight  OR
you can make 3 ch, join to 1st sc, fasten off, pull tight
either way, after you've made, with black thread, pull tight from each side, then attach to the correct place in the project.
Why I preferred to make such eyes is, when I had made with ready-made eyes for a fish & gave it to a 2 + year old boy to play, the first thing he did was to pull out both eyes, by twisting it well !

for trunk
make 3 ch, join
sc in each sc
sc, inc., sc
continue in those 4 sc as long as you want the trunk to be
stitch the trunk slightly below the eyes, shape the trunk.

join the ears on either side of the face.
there your puppet is ready to entertain the kids.

feel free to ask for any queries, as in most post, I forget to describe when I make changes in the design too, then I forget how I made. Now, as my memory is still fresh from making it now, thought best to write it down for those interested in the puppet.

For eyes for the elephant, I made by making 2 consecutive knots in the wool, then stitched around to tighten it, then I stitched the eye, as elephants have very small eyes compared to their bodies.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

little bunny


The basic body, I did according to a design, the ears & tail  are my own ideas.
this was also a very quick amigurumi, being small, not complicated at all.

little owl

this was one of the fastest amigurumi animal I made, of course it was small, compared to others, but it was easy.

Friendly white ghost- hand puppet


Saturday, February 1, 2014

little finger puppets

snowman, with the orange nose !
next one is supposed to be a polar bear, his winter friend
brown bunny
the last one, you can call it whatever you like !
these aren't my creations, except the eyes, nose, mouth are mine.

little duck

This little duck isn't totally mine, as in the original, it was to be a puppet, but I preferred it like this. Then I made upper & lower beaks, for it to quack, quack !