Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crochet Bag

This bag is made with nylon thread, though a bit difficult to make, as then it can hold a lot of stuff & sturdy too, especially when you travel, as it stretches a lot. This can be made with thread also.It can be rolled up & kept too.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Crocheted Cap

This cap was made for my son, who finds these snug during the peak winters.

Crochet Bag

This bag was made for my daughter-in-law, rather who is more a daughter to me, who wanted pockets outside, so that she can keep her card & cell phone in those pockets as it will be easy to use. It is she who has taught me to upload pictures here !

Crochet Scarf

This scarf was made for my daughter-in-law, who liked this design very much. It was for the first time, I had crocheted such a design, in zig-zag pattern. Do let me know your views.

close-up of the afghan

Crochet Afghans

I love doing crochet as much as I love cooking, so thought of sharing my creations with you all. Creating my own designs gives me a lot of pleasure. I crochet afghans like this one, this was for my son & daughter-in-law. My son loves to snuggle inside one when it is cold. I use these afghans on the sofa back & another one to sit down here in Delhi during winter. Hope you too love the color combinations as much as I do. Feel free to comment & send your views.