Sunday, March 31, 2024

A small gift purse

I made this one, as I prefer my gift pouch/bag should be unique. In a similar one, I gave some money for one of our friend's 80th birthday, her granddaughter swiped it with the money saying it is all mine. This one was made long ago, but managed to put the buttons this morning. Don't know for whom it was made!

For my other blogs, I'm giving the links below, feel free to view and comment too. for all cancer and health related topics feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

https:// GSIyershome   

The last one is my new blog, as I was requested by my niece to start a separate blog for home remedies, as I was putting it all in my cancerblog.

Feel free to share my blogs with others, if you find it useful. Thanks a lot, take care, be happy and be healthy.

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