Tuesday, December 26, 2023


This isn't my design. This mandela is from Sophie's mandela, but out of 113 rows in it, I've done only 45 rows, as my son and daughter-in-law said the size was perfect wherever they're planning to put in their home. 

To be honest, though, I kept counting and doing, what I did was wrong or the counting was a mistake, I'm not sure, after 35 rows, I had more flowers and so on. Anyway, did my best to make it look as good as I'ld, by using the colours our daughter-in-law wanted. For the edging, I added one more row of single crochet.

Years ago too, I had made this, don't remember how big I made, it was gifted to one of hubby's niece on her wedding along with a scarf, as thought that it will be useful and easy to carry for them.


For my other blogs, I'm giving the links below, feel free to view and comment too.

https://cancersupportindia.blogspot.com. for all cancer and health related topics
https://gseasyrecipes.blogspot.com. feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes
https://kneereplacement-stickclub.blogspot.com. for info on knee replacement

https:// GSIyershome remedies.blogspot.com   

The last one is my new blog, as I was requested by my niece to start a separate blog for home remedies, as I was putting it all in my cancerblog.

Feel free to share my blogs with others, if you find it useful. Thanks a lot, take care, be happy and be healthy.


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