Saturday, October 21, 2023

Credit card holder cum key-chain !


While I was listening to some music program for Navartri celebrations in our senior citizens home, I was busy doing the pouch one day. Did the joining of the pouch at home the nest day and yesterday while listening to another program finished the straps- 1 to close the pouch so that money or card doesn't fall out and another to keep my keys. Hope you all like it. Simple and does 2 things useful.

 At times, when I need to carry my Aadhar, voter's id and pan card too, I can keep it all in this one pouch.


For my other blogs, I'm giving the links below, feel free to view and comment too. for all cancer and health related topics feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

https:// GSIyershome   

The last one is my new blog, as I was requested by my niece to start a separate blog for home remedies, as I was putting it all in my cancerblog.

Feel free to share my blogs with others, if you find it useful. Thanks a lot, take care, be happy and be healthy.

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