Sunday, February 28, 2021

Little elephant with a ball for keychain

 The idea for the elephant was from the site below, but changed little for the trunk, as I wanted it longer, eyes, made with crochet. Made a small ball and stitched it to the trunk, so it is not lost for the baby elephant to play with !

This I made for our grandson, who plays football.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

New way to attach amigurumi to the keychain

 Normally, we stitch the loop to the amigurumi animals and attach to your key chain. Yesterday, I had a brainwave, as if one wants to change their amigurumi, why not think of something simple, than stitching it on both loops ! That is when I decided to make a small hole at nearing one end of loop and finishing with more rows of sc and putting a button at the other end, closer to where you join to the amigurumi- animal , cupcake or whatever.

That is how I put my little elephant in my keychain, can keep changing once I get bored of elephant with something else !

I really hope you can view it, sorry as I don't know how to click without the flash from my camera. Just make a small loop, starting with 5 ch, make 4 sc starting from 2nd ch,

sc in each row till the desired length, but 3-4 rows before that make a small hole for the button, this I did my making 1 sc, 2 ch and 1 sc,

in next row, made sc over sc, 2 sc in ch space, sc over sc

2 more rows of 4 sc, FO. weave in ends.

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How to Clean 'Dry Clean Only' Clothes at Home

Dry cleaning can be a huge hassle, as well as quite the expense, depending on how many 'dry clean only' garments you've got in your closet. Luckily, with only a little bit of time and effort, you should be able to wash most kinds of clothes, with only a few exceptions. Read on to find out how!

1. Materials That Simply Cannot Be Washed at Home
Before you try to clean something yourself, you need to take a look at the label. This is because there are certain kinds of materials and fabrics that are extremely difficult to clean at home, and which are best left to professionals. Garments which you should send to professional dry cleaners include: 
• Suede 
• Fur 
• Feathers 
• Velvet 
• Taffeta 
• Anything with delicate beading or stitching 
2. How to Machine Wash 'Dry Clean Only' Garments
Certain fabrics are actually able to withstand machine washing, in spite of what the clothing label says. These include: 
• Linen 
• Cotton 
• Durable polyesters 
To machine wash them, you'll first need to get your hands on a specialized mesh bag for washing delicates. Then, place the articles of clothing inside it, and put it in your washing machine. Use only cold water and a mild detergent, and set your washing machine to a gentle cycle. Once the cycle is complete, immediately remove everything from the washing machine and either lay them flat or hang them to dry. 
3. How to Hand Wash 'Dry Clean Only' Garments
Dry clean only' fabrics which are able to withstand being washed by hand are: 
• Cotton 
• Wool 
• Silk 
This technique is a little bit more complicated than machine-washing, but once you get the hang of it, you'll never send the above fabrics to the dry cleaner again. Here's what you need to do: 

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1. Fill up a bucket or sink with cold water and add some mild detergent to it, before mixing it a little to make the water foamy. 
2. Dip your garment in and out of the water until it is thoroughly soaked through. Use your fingertips to get the grime out of tough stains. 
3. Drain the soapy water and refill it with clean cold water. 
4. Keep dipping your article of clothing in the water until all of the soap is gone. Change the water once more if required. 
5. Lay it on a clean white towel and push the water out. At this stage, it is very important not to twist the water out of your clothes, since doing so may damage them. 
 6. Place another white towel on top of the garment, and slowly roll the towel up and down, while squeezing gently. Repeat this for 3 to 5 times. 
7. Reshape your clothing, and lay it flat on another towel to dry. Ensure that wool products are kept away from heat and direct sunlight.

4. How to Clean a Real Leather Jacket
Leather jackets can be quite sensitive, so make sure to read the label for any special instructions apart from 'dry clean only' before attempting to clean one yourself. 
For light surface care, the best thing to do is to use a damp towel to remove any grime and dirt that may have accumulated, ensuring that you don't rub too hard. For tougher stains, a leather stain removal spray may come in handy. 
You are also able to hand wash leather jackets by soaking them in a small basin filled with Castile soap or some dishwashing liquid. Then, gently rub the dirt out of the affected areas, and air it dry when you've finished.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Little elephant for keychain

I got the idea from the site given below. Made the head continuously unlike what was mentioned in the pattern. 

For the tail, I made 7 ch, made 6 sc, made sl st on them and FO.

Eyes made with a ch of 10, which I rolled up to stitch.


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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Blueberry cupcake with blurberry icing and a cherry !

When one of my neighbour saw my previous cupcake, she fell in love with it.

To bring a cheer to her face, made this cupcake for her, as she is leaving back home tomorrow morning.

First, she thought of putting it on her back, then changed her mind to put it in her key chain !

This is my own design, made it like the previous cake, only change was made small design towards the bottom of the cupcake, difficult to make it out in the photo.

Made cherry starting with MR, made 6 sc in it, continued with 6 sc for a few rows. then lightly stuffed with sponge, stitched it in the centre of the topping. then made a long 76 ch, made sc from 2nd ch from hook till the end. stitched it at the bottom of the cupcake.

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Saturday, February 20, 2021

choclate-vanilla flavoured cupcake with chocolate chips

cupcake with chocolate chips on top, with little flowers

 This is my own design, started with MR with 6 sc

increased in each round, till the desired round needed

in the next round did sc in back loops

then continued on the sc without increasing till the desired size

filled tightly with foam bits

for the top with MR made 6 sc

increased in each round till the desired size to cover the top of the cake

next round, made 3 ch, skipped 2 st, made sc all around

in next row, in the ch space, made sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc in each ch space joined with sl st.

I gifted this to a little girl who was sick. I heard from her mom that she felt very, very happy. My aim is to bring a cheer/ smile on someone's face each day. 

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My little dog just back from running !

I made this little dog with ears flying for my grand-niece. I'm so happy that she loved it, said it is better than the little bear that I made for her sister !

This is not my design, only the eyes, snout are mine. This is from the site, the link given below.


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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Two little bears

This is not my design. It is from the site given below-

But, I've made changes in the number of stitches, while increasing, decreasing, number of rows, as I felt will be needed according to my thread thickness. 

I made the eyes, by doing 12 chains, then rolling it up and stitching above the muzzle.

I made the first one with brown and white thread, it was given to the son-in-law of our extended family, who causally said aunt whatever you make will be greatly appreciated by anyone to whom you gift after seeing the black n cream scarf and the little bag posted earlier. So, I made the baby bear for him. Seeing it, his wife and sister-in-law said it looks so cute, when I asked them what they want, the wife said a bear, while his sis-in-law said anything else. For his wife, I made with purple n white thread, altering wherever I felt needed and wanted the bear to have a small scarf around her neck, as the bear is for a lady !

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