Friday, August 3, 2018

Little Krishna- made with cotton thread

Our grand-daughter loves Lord Krishna, so made this little Krishna, so she can always carry with her.

I started with the legs, made 2 and joined
Magic circle, make 6 sc in it, I didn't join
R2- increase alternately, so you get 9 sc
R3- 11 sc in each sc, fasten off one leg
Repeat for the 2nd leg, once you finish till R 11
keep both legs together and join 2 sc together and continue on sc in each leg around, you'll have 18 sc in all, I changed colour to blue and continued on these 18 sc till about 10 rows, then decrease 3 sc in next row ( 15 sc)
Next row- decrease 3 more sc ( 12 sc)
Next row, sc, decrease around fasten off.

For head, magic circle, made 6 sc
R2- increase in each sc  12 sc
R3- sc, increase, repeat around, 18 sc
R4 18 sc around
 R5- 2 sc, increase around  24 sc
 R6- 3 sc, increase around   30 sc
 R7-9 30 sc
R10- start decreasing 6 sc in each round till 6 sc are left, fasten off.

For arms- make 2
Magic circle 6 sc
R2-  increase sc in alternate stitches, so you get 9 sc
R 3- R 11, sc in each sc around, fasten off.

I always prefer to join with thread the different parts of the body. Then for eyes, made a couple of French knots close by, for mouth, stitched around with red. Made with yellow, the tilak in U shape, sorry it is just below the crown.

For crown
made 12 ch, make sc in 2nd ch till end (11 sc)
in each row, start decreasing 1 sc in each end, till you're left with 1 sc, then I made sc around the sides and fasten off. Stitched the crown, only thing I'ld not add was a small peacock feather, as I didn't have time for that, as I wanted to give to grand-daughter before she left back home from here.

I had placed the Lord Krishna on my crochet cushion cover, it was the 2nd set which I had made, this one by putting some flowers and leaves around.

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