Saturday, April 21, 2018

Little chocolate cone ice-cream for my keys !

 Those who want to know how I made
for the cone
started with magic ring(MR) 6 sc
R1- sc in backloop of each sc
R2- sc, inc-- around ( 9 sc)
R3- 9 sc
R4 2 sc, inc.-- around  ( 12 sc)
R 5- sc around
R6 - 3 sc, inc. -- around ( 15 sc)
R7 & 8  15 sc , FO.

for the ice-cream, with whatever colour you like
MR 6 sc, next row, sc inc. in each - 12 sc
2 sc inc. around
3 sc, inc. around.
sc around, FO stuff both cone and top well, sew around
then made loop with 11 ch I think, sc in 2nd ch. from hook, in the last ch, 3 sc

I love ice-cream, sadly can't eat since a couple of years due to asthma. So, thought why not make myself a small chocolate cone ice-cream for my keys ! Could have put some chocolate chips too on it! to make chocolate chip, with dark brown thread make French knots, make few around or if you want white chocolate chips do with white thread, i.e. what I'm planning to do next!

good luck, do let me know how it looks.

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