Saturday, April 21, 2018

Little chocolate cone ice-cream for my keys !

 Those who want to know how I made
for the cone
started with magic ring(MR) 6 sc
R1- sc in backloop of each sc
R2- sc, inc-- around ( 9 sc)
R3- 9 sc
R4 2 sc, inc.-- around  ( 12 sc)
R 5- sc around
R6 - 3 sc, inc. -- around ( 15 sc)
R7 & 8  15 sc , FO.

for the ice-cream, with whatever colour you like
MR 6 sc, next row, sc inc. in each - 12 sc
2 sc inc. around
3 sc, inc. around.
sc around, FO stuff both cone and top well, sew around
then made loop with 11 ch I think, sc in 2nd ch. from hook, in the last ch, 3 sc

I love ice-cream, sadly can't eat since a couple of years due to asthma. So, thought why not make myself a small chocolate cone ice-cream for my keys ! Could have put some chocolate chips too on it! to make chocolate chip, with dark brown thread make French knots, make few around or if you want white chocolate chips do with white thread, i.e. what I'm planning to do next!

good luck, do let me know how it looks.

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Lord Ganesha

I'm a big fan of Lord Ganesha, have HIS photo in all the rooms. Made this small Ganesha for grandsons. Though I got idea from a site, changed a lot as I felt it right.
In HIS left hand, Ganesha is carrying his favourite food " modak"/ " kolakattai".

I had earlier made for myself a bigger Ganesha standing on a pedestal, made his " vahanam" -               " moonjoor" also on it.

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Lord Vishnu

First my grandson't request was if I can make Lord Vishnu with 4 hands. Then slowly came other request, Lord should have long black hair, namam on the forehead, mace in one hand, flower in another hand, 3rd one with chakra and 4th hand conch shell.

Only thing modern Lord Vishnu, Hanuman and rishi, as when I tried to make like veshti, it didn't come out properly, tried it 3-4 times, then made them modern 21st C Gods with pants

Made the Lord Vishnu with my own idea after seeing his photo.

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Durvasa rishi

Our grandson wanted me to make Durvasa rishi, as his mom tells him stories.

I made the kamandalam like a small pot with handle, then stitched it in his hand.

For the white beard, I had to break my head to do, saw one, then accordingly had to crochet to fit this head. Anyway, grandson wanted me to use my brain, so I'll keep dementia at bay at least for the time being !
I make eyes with crochet only, as one of the 1st animals that I had made with eyes bought from the shop, the  little boy pulled out both the eyes with turning and twisting it, from then one decided to crochet, so kids can't pull it out !

It was really fun making the rishi and the other amigurumi, as it was a challenge for me, if I can make what my grandson wanted. Happy by seeing the photos, he has approved, as it will be sent to him soon. Earlier, made only animals for my grandsons, now comes demand for Gods !

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I made 2 snakes for my 2 grandsons

started with MR with 5 sc
then increased in each sc in next row (10)
increased in every 2nd st. (15)
continued in 15 sc till 5/6"
then I increased 3 evenly around, continued till the desired length
if anyone is interested, kindly msg, shall tell you how I made the head and the fangs
Snakes are my own creation.

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Jai Veer Hanuman

This Hanuman is my own idea by looking at some photos in the net.
Legs 2
For the Hanuman to stand after doing MR with 8 sc
R1- 2 sc in each sc ( 16sc)
R2- (1 sc, 2 sc in next) rep. till the end ( 24 )
R3- sc in back loops only
R4- sc in both loops
at this point, I inserted a plastic bottle lid, by cutting it to fit it
next few rows was sc in each
then I decreased about 3 sc in next row,
sc in next row
again decreased 3 sc in next row evenly placed and continued till the length I wanted

After doing both legs to the desired length, I joined in the middle and sc around both legs together
3-4 rows sc around , then I increased 3/4 sc evenly around for the next 2 rows
continued with sc around for 4/5 rows, then started decreasing evenly placed in each row till 12 sc were left

Of course, as you do the legs, start stuffing to get the shape, then continue stuffing once you join and do the body.

Arms 2
I think I started with MR with 6 sc
then increased in each sc
then every 2 sc increased to get 18 sc, continued with 18 sc for the next 5/6 rows
then I decreased 3 sc I think evenly placed
next row, did 6 sc with both loops, in the remaining 6 sc in back loops hdc
I continued with 6 sc,  hdc in 6 for 3 more rows
then sc around for another 4 rows I think
arms I didn't stuff much, so it can bend

MR 6 sc
R1 inc. in each sc (12)
R 2- sc 1, increase rep. around ( 18)
R3-sc 2, increase - rep. around ( 24)
R4- sc 3, inc.- rep. around ( 30)
R5- sc 4, inc. -rep. around (36)
R6- R7  sc 36
R8- sc 5, inc. -rep. around (42)
R9- sc 42
R10- sc 5 , dec. - rep around (36)
R11- sc 4, dec. - rep around (30)
R 12- sc 3, dec.- rep. around ( 24)
R 13- sc 2, dec.- rep. around (18)
R 14- sc 1, dec. -rep. around (12)
R15- dec. in alternate (9)
stuff well to get the shape.

for hair, with black, I made ch of 12/ 14 alternately, stitched it around
On the fore-head with red thread made the " namam"
lips did with red thread
for the mouth bulging on both sides - made 2
with orange made MR with  6 sc, then sc in back loop of each, FO
I stuffed it, stitched on both sides

For the mace/ gada"
I made like a small ball, then instead of FO, I continued to crochet in 5/ 6 sc stuffing lightly to the length I needed
I made the crown, then small mountain in his left hand.

Joined the parts
for tail, I made MR with 4/5 sc, then sc around to the length I wanted, stitched it at the back.

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