Monday, November 6, 2017

the last photo before putting the white beads. As only this evening got time to put the beads, as then I had to pack to send to my grand-daughter through her dad tomorrow. Hope she like the chain and the choker.

I bought a long chain. Joined thread in the end, made about 4 sc in each loop, all the way around, then for some distance around the neck approximately made sl st, then 1st flower, was made with sc, had, dc, hdc, sc, then 2 sl st, next 3 sc, hdc, 2 dc, hdc, sc, then till the centre, sc , hdc,  dc, 2 tr, dc,, hdc, sc, for the cente, sc, hdc, dc 2, tr 3, dc 3, hdc, sc, around to match this half.
Then joined white bead in the centre of each flower, around.

This is my own idea, so, in case you make kindly give the credit to me, thanks.

For my other blogs, I'm giving the links below, feel free to view and comment too. for all cancer and health related topics feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement

Chokar with red rose and leaves

This choker made for my grand-daughter, sending through her dad tomorrow. She wanted it  with ties. I made with coloured cotton thread.

make ch, to whatever length you want.
R.1-sc in 2nd ch from hook till the end.  ch 3 turn
R2-*skip 1st st, dc in 2nd st, dc in 1st st, making an X, rep from * to end, ch 1, turn.
R 3: sc in each sc across, 2sc in ch 3 from row 2, ch 8, 2 sc in ch 3,ch 1 turn
R4- sc in each sc across, 2 sc in corner sc, sc on the sides evenly placed,
2 sc in next corner, sc in back loop of starting ch till end, 2 sc in corner, sc evenly on the side.

In case you make exact size, when you are making sc on the smaller side, after 2 sc, make a ch acc. to the size of your button, then sc in next 2 st.
I made ties from 2nd sc , made 40 ch, FO, rejoined in 2nd sc from corner, made another 40 ch, repeated the same for the other side.

For leaves, I made 2
ch 8
R 1: sl st in 2nd ch from hook, in each ch, 1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 3 sc in last ch, working around other side of chain in each ch, 1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 sl st, join with sl st in first sl st.
R 2: working blo, sl st in each st to 3 sc group, sl st in first sc, ch 2, skip next sc, sl st in 3rd sc, sl st in each st to end. Join with sl st in first sl st. Ch 4 for stem.
Fasten off.

For Rose
made ch 21
 R 1: Double Crochet in 4th Chain from the hook, Chain 2, 2 Double Crochet in same space. *Chain 1, Skip 2 chains. In next chain, 2 Double Crochet, 2 Chain, 2 Double Crochet (all in same chain) Repeat from * to the end. Chain 1 and turn
R 2: Slip stitch through the first Chain 2 space. Chain 3 (counts as first Double Crochet) 6 Double Crochet in same chain 2 space. *Single Crochet in Chain 1 space, 7 Double Crochet in next Chain 2 space. Repeat from * to the end. Fasten Off
To Finish:I rolled the flower to the desired shape, then stitched around, so it stays in shape from all sides well.

To attach rose and leaves
I folded the choker into half,noted the centre, attached the leaves on either side leaving place for the rose in the centre.

Credit should go to the lady who shared the pattern, but I changed by adding an extra row on each side, the rose is not from that site, as I made roses earlier, I made it on my own, leaves also, I've made like this years before.

For my other blogs, I'm giving the links below, feel free to view and comment too. for all cancer and health related topics feel free to view for easy, simple and healthy recipes for info on knee replacement