Saturday, December 24, 2011

Short crochet scarf

I designed this short crochet scarf in cotton thread, it can be worn in anyway, either with button & just knot
 it ! My grand daughter was kind enough to model it for me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Triangular crochet shawl

This pattern starts from a single block in the end & kept increasing one block each row till the desired size, then with black made the edging in single crochet. I basically used all the left over wool in this & also made it look quite colorful ! my grand-daughter loved it, as it is cold here in India & model for me !

Monday, December 12, 2011

Scarves/ Mufflers

My Own Crochet Doilies

I loved creating esp. the last 2 doilies, the 5 & 4 petal ones, some were given away to my friends in the new place where we're going to settle down, the rest for my daughter !